Board of DirectorsMeet the Anchorage West Little League Board of Directors! Please contact the
AWLL President if you would like to get involved with one an open volunteer board position. If you would like to help a board member with their area of responsibility, please reach out to them directly.
Executive Board Members
- League President/Coach Coordinator - Franky Lopez
- League Vice President/Equipment Coordinator - Barbara Bundy
- League Secretary/Player Agent - Michael Baylous
- League Treasurer - Luke Voshell
- League Safety Officer - Colin Wesselman
Board Members
- Fundraising Coordinator - Elly Nordstrom
- Umpire Coordinator - Elly Nordstrom
- Field Maintenance - Todd Heesch
- Zach Homan
- Adam Wilson
- Katie Fongemie
- Michael Selhay
- Mitch Gross
- Wally Hickel